GeM Registration
There shall be only two categories of Seller and/or Service Providers, OEMs and authorized Seller and/or Service Providers. Any Seller and/or Service Provider who manufacturers or markets genuine products or delivers services can become a Seller and/or Service Provider on GeM. Seller and/or Service Providers can register their business in GeM in the following categories:
Product Seller and/or Service Provider
Verification of the credentials of suppliers on GeM
Maintain a register of suppliers
Preventing Seller and/or Service Providers who have been convicted of an offence Keep away Seller and/or Service Providers who are banned from selling to government Seller and/or Service Provider Registration
Service Provider
Both of the above
To maintain a clean Seller and/or Service Provider record, Seller and/or Service Provider credentials are verified in real-time during registration process with Government systems like Aadhaar, MCA21, PAN, UAM etc. The process for registration is simple and linear process. Through the Seller and/or Service Provider account, the Seller and/or Service Provider or service provider can list the products or services offered by them
Product/Services Catalogue Uploading
Please note that in certain categories (Quadrant 1 and Quadrant 2 as per CMS 2.0), only OEMs or their Authorized Resellers are allowed to transact at GeM. This is required to ensure that Buyers get authentic products along with the necessary assurances and warranties as offered by the OEMs.
GeM undertakes continuous assessment of performance of OEMs/Resellers offering products in such categories and makes recommendations to expand the number of Resellers based on outcome of such assessment.
If the particular category is not available on GeM , you may either wait for it to be added or you can ask the Buyer who uses your product to make a request to GeM for category addition.
After product gets publised its not possible to edit catalogue except stocks and price.
OEM stands for original equipment manufacturer; when a shop receives an OEM Authorization Certificate, it means that the auto body shop has been recognized by manufacturers as working within their repair parameters.
What is OEM authorization?
OEM stands for original equipment manufacturer; when a shop receives an OEM Authorization Certificate, it means that the auto body shop has been recognized by manufacturers as working within their repair parameters. We will talk to the OEM to ensure that you get the authorizations.